Smart ED EV….Rubbish?

I cant help noticing that the Smart ED (EV) is getting a slating in the mainstream press. Top Gear has given it a 1/20 rating (not seen it that low before) in this month’s magazine . I’ve been on at Smart for over a year to try and get a test drive with no luck. They tell me they are reserving drives for journalists. Perhaps it’s a lesson to the big manufacturers in getting the guys who are enthusiasts with an enthusiastic audience to try your cars sooner. Or perhaps it’s just rubbish…


  1. Smart have been very reluctant to ket anyone drive this car at all. I’ve seen it at several events now and it’s always fenced off or up on a pedestal where it clearly is impossible for anyone to move it at all.

    It makes me wonder if it is at all driveable? I have however driven a real electric Smart car built by LMC thanks to Trevor Lees. I can’t help but think that the Smart ED is just pure greenwashing.

    We featured the LMC Electric Smart in our magazine Plugged In a while ago. Drop me a line if you would like to see it.

    PS great website and videos I’d love to see you do something for the BVS contact me if you are interested.

  2. HI,

    Would really like to test drive the EV smart myself. Could u let me know what is the best possible option for this?


  3. No news on test drives yet, I’m afraid. There are supposed to be 100 cars on trial in London but I’ve not yet seen one. I’ve only ever seen stationary Smart ED’s plastered on stands around motor shows

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